
New Book

Yesterday I picked up a copy of Barack Obama's book, Dreams from My Father: A Story of Race and Inheritance. It's the first book I have bought for pleasure reading in at least a year. Of course I'm already a huge Obama fan, and after seeing him speak at a book signing on CSPAN, I had the urge to find out more about him.

I've only read the first two chapters, but it's already fascinating. He and his family are really what the United States is all about - they are a true melting pot. Reading memoirs like this give me faith that no matter how hard our political leaders try to divide the population, the diversity of the US will eventually win out in the end. Eventually we'll all be mutts, and there won't be these harsh racial lines upon which to judge others. I'll be posting my thoughts on the rest of the book as I read it. I'm hoping to finish it by the end of the week, before school gets too intense.


First Posting

So, I've given in and started a blog. I'm planning on just keeping track of some personal musings and opinions on current events. I'd like a way to keep track of what is going on in my life and around the world, and thought this might just work. We'll see.

I'm generally not that talented of a writer but hope to perhaps improve upon that through regular practice on this thing. It seems like the only time I ever write is for school or work, and that's pretty pathetic. I'm also going to try and up my pleasure reading this year, so I'll use this to keep track of my progress.

We'll see how it goes.